Bpr Buduran Delta Purnama. PDF fileaction of Write Off on BPR Buduran Purnama Delta Sidoarjo The key informants in this research are the Managing Director and Director of Compliance Manager Credit Admin Supervisor Account Officer Remedial and Customer of BPR Buduran Purnama Delta Sidoarjo Data collection techniques uses primary data secondary in depth interviews.
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Contact and general information about BPR Buduran Deltapurnama company headquarter location in Sidoarjo Jawa Timur Email formats & phone numbers of BPR Buduran Deltapurnama 1050 employees Financial Services.
The result of 3 (three) years (2011 to 2013) assessments we found that The BPR Buduran Delta Purnama has good banking performance (credit score more than 81 which the minimum score for good or bad banking performance) It is based on some benchmarks to determine the reliability of the bank after the assessment of each variable.
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BPR Buduran Deltapurnama
Komisaris Utama Tities Eko Prabowo SP Riwayat Pendidikan 1998 Sarjana Pertanian dari Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur Riwayat Jabatan ( 2001 2004 ) Admin Dana BPR Buduran Delta Purnama ( 2004 2007 ) Account Officer BPR Buduran Delta Purnama ( 2007 2013 ) Kepala Kantor Kas BPR Buduran Delta Purnama.
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Jawa Timur Deltapurnama Sidoarjo, PT. BPR Buduran
Vol 1 No 2 (2014): September JBMP (Jurnal Bisnis
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Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Perbankan dengan Menggunakan
di Alamat Telepon BPR di Sidoarjo Daftar Alamat Kantor
Daftar Nomor Telepon Dan Alamat Bpr Sidoarjo Halaman 1