Kern Invented. The southerners invented the best foods didn’t they? My love for red velvet cake pecan pie and biscuits tells me I was born in the wrong section of the country! A Butter Cake is an easy pound cake recipe that while it’s hot is soaked with a butter sauce Butter sauce is a boiled concoction of butter sugar and vanilla When you pour it over the hot cake and then let the.
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“Our passion is to share the Kern‘s heritage desserts from our kitchen to yours one pie at a time” My company recently ordered numerous Derby Pies for a fun function we were having at the office and it gave me my first opportunity to taste an incredible dessert I am not a big dessert lover but I couldn’t get enough of this pie AMAZING is all I can say It’s the best I only wish the.
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In 1909 Eugène Schueller a young chemist with an entrepreneurial spirit founded the company that was to become the L’Oréal Group It all began with one of the first hair dyes that he formulated manufactured and sold to Parisian hairdressers.
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Dr Michael Kern was born and grew up in Neckarsulm a small town in Southern Germany In 1990 following graduation from High School he moved to Berlin where he was fortunate to witness the excitement after reunification of the divided Germany Michael was one of very few select students who were accepted into a combined University programme in both medicine and.
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L’Oréal’s history: the adventure of beauty
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Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz Wikipedia
The firm was founded in 1965 by Herbert Wachtell and Jerry Kern who were shortly afterwards joined by Martin Lipton Leonard Rosen Martin Lipton invented the socalled “poison pill defense” during the 1980s to foil hostile takeovers Working both sides of mergers and acquisitions Wachtell Lipton has represented bluechip clients such as AT&T Pfizer and JP.