Sate Keroncong. Makan sate sambil diiringin keroncong live #Satekeroncongjatinegarajakartatimur.
Warung Sate Sederhana Restaurant East Jakarta Gang Lele Jl Matraman Raya No 224 Restaurant Menu And Reviews from Restaurant Guru
JAKARTA INDONESIA 20 SEPTEMBER 2021 A serving of processed mutton dish at Sate Keroncong Stall Jakarta Indonesia Enjoying processed goat meat ranging from Sate Gulai to Tongseng whose cooking process still maintains the tradition of using a stove and firewood while accompanied by the strains of Keroncong music directly into its own uniqueness at this Sate stall.
The Sweet Symphony of Sate Keroncong Manual Jakarta
Smack in the middle of Jatinegara’s commercial hubbub the soulful melodies of keroncong music fill the air in Gang Lele There the seasoned traditional musicians have been entertaining locals but most importantly the diners of local satay parlour who by association became known as the legendary Sate Keroncong.
Sate Keroncong Manual Jakarta
http//wwwKabariNewscom/ Berbeda dengan warung sate pada umumnya di Warung Sate Sederhana yang terletak ti Gang Lele Jalan Matraman Raya 224 Jatinegar.
Sate ’Keroncong’ Jatinegara Kita bicara keroncong, hanya
The Sweet Symphony of Sate Keroncong Step into Gang Lele in Jatinegara and you’ll spot the satay eatery known as Sate Keroncong A legend in the area the eatery serves up a combination of delish goat satays and euphonious keroncong ensemble that delights both the palate and musical sentimentalities of those who come by Smack in the middle.
Warung Sate Sederhana Restaurant East Jakarta Gang Lele Jl Matraman Raya No 224 Restaurant Menu And Reviews
Warung Sate Keroncong Catatan Perjalanan Talif
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Sekarang orang sebut sate keroncong ya tidak apaapa” kata Mulyono Ada tujuh orang pemusik sekaligus penyanyi keroncong di warung itu Mereka selalu tampil bareng namun saat saya datang hanya ada lima orang yaitu Edi Suwono pemain biola Jamari pemain juk Miyem (satusatu perempuan) pemain ukulele Wahyu pemain gitar dan Sarwono pemain celo.