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Microsoft Speech API 53 TTSApp TTSApp is an example of a texttospeech (TTS) enabled application This sample application is intended to demonstrate many of the features for SAPI 5 in a single coherent application It is not a full featured TTSenabled application although the foundations of many of the options are present.
TTSApp (SAPI 5.3) Microsoft Docs
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PDF file3 If the test is done in an unmonitored setting (eg home) a mechanism to ensure that the test is done correctly and on the correct person must exist 4 The exposed person who is allowed to remain in school through TTS must still be quarantined outside of school instruction/academic periods (on weekends/holidays.
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PDF filelevel (or college level where colleges are not divided into departments) although a recommendation may be submitted by any member of the faculty These recommendations are then reviewed by the administrative officers most directly involved and are forwarded with their recommendations to the Vice Chancellor of the University who transmits them to the Senate.